My New Year's wish...

What I hope for the new year...

I think that 2005 was the year that the Republican's chickens came home to roost. I hope that 2006 will mark the end of the American people's patience with graft, corruption, hubris and lies. I hope to see a new democratically-elected congress in November. I hope to see Tom DeLay and Bill Frist in jail. I hope to see George Bush on permanent vacation minus the American people footing his paycheck (I want him impeached!)

However, more than likely, GWB will allow a terrorist attack or will make some claims to something or other to scare the crap out of the American people and we'll just get more of the same: taxing the poor, giving handouts to the rich, and hastening the end of the once-great American dream.

Posted: Sun - January 1, 2006 at 08:36 AM           |
