not so much a rant as last time. this time I back it up a bit. 

So, my buddy Carl from my band helped me past my last dilemma.

It turns out that to assign a new track to an unused channel, you need to click to the right of the track name, WHERE THERE IS NOT BUTTON and then you get a popup menu that you can use to assign the channel. No, don't bother trying to right click (or control-click) like you would in ANY OTHER MAC APPLICATION!

The other thing that makes me crazy even though I have done it a few times now. To mix down your song, you need to go to the mixer window (which is not the main window you work in and isn't usually open), find the master bus and click a little button to start the mix down. Now, you might think that you should go to the file menu or even the audio menu in the environment. Yeah, good luck with that. There is indeed a Mixdown menu item in the audio menu of the environment window. It just takes all your selected tracks and combines them into one. HOW MESSED UP IS THAT?!? MIXING DOWN IS THE RAISON D'ETRE OF AN AUDIO APPLICATION! THERE SHOULD BE A BUTTON AS BIG AS YOUR FIST WITH HUGE LETTERS SAYING "MIX DOWN" ON IT! Ok, enough of that. It does make me insane that even though I have done mixdowns several times in logic, I still end up having to google how to create a mix every time.

As someone who has spent years exploring user interface design, Logic makes me sad. They break so many rules and for no good reason. 

Posted: Tue - August 16, 2005 at 11:02 PM          

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